Optyczne.pl has a few photos from the showroom floor at CP+ 2017. The Fujifilm GFX 50S had 70 minute wait, just to play with the camera for 10 minutes and Fujifilm had a pretty cool Fujifilm X-T2 cinematography rig setup on the floor. The Fujinon 18-55mm T2.9 MK and MK 50-135 mm T2.9 were also on display.
Photos Via Optyczne.pl
This entry was posted in Fuji X-T2, Fujifilm GFX, Fujifilm GFX 50S and tagged Fuji GFX, Fuji GFX 50S, Fuji GFX50S, Fuji Rumors, Fuji XT2, Fujifilm, Fujifilm GFX50S, Fujifilm Rumors, Fujifilm X-T2, Fujifilm XT2, FujifilmRumors, Fujirumors, GFX, GFX 50S, GFX50S, Medium Format, Super Full Frame. Bookmark the
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