Fujinon XF 16-50mm F/2.8-4.8:
B&H Photo / Amazon / Moment / Adorama
Optical Limits published its full review of the Fujinon XF 16-50mm F/2.8-4.8 which is another solid kit lens. You can read the full review here or check out the excerpt below:
…centering defect when we first received it – which was subsequently repaired. Centering problems in Fujifilm zoom lenses seem to be a bit of a theme (…), so always check yours after purchasing. The lens may not be the sharpest knife in the kitchen, but it’s still sharp for a (kit-) zoom lens. Technically, it doesn’t show any major weakness throughout the zoom range. The field curvature is a bit high at the wide end, though, so stopping down is advisable if you want to have sharp corners in your scene. Just like most modern mirrorless camera zoom lenses, there’s a high degree of image distortions and vignetting, so keeping auto-correction activated for JPEGs or in your favorite RAW converter is a good idea. If there is one aspect that we didn’t really like about the optical characteristics, it is the bokeh. With its max aperture of f/4.8 @ 50mm, the lens is hardly optimized for shallow depth-of-field photography to start with, but in such scenarios, the out-of-focus rendering can be rather nervous. It also doesn’t like sun stars.
An aspect that sets the lens truly apart from other zoom lenses is its very compact size – including internal zooming – and very low weight. This and the extensive weather sealing make it ideal for “outdoorsy” use cases when you want to minimize your gear. Despite the low weight, it doesn’t feel flimsy in any way or form. The AF motor is also plenty fast enough for a standard zoom lens. You may debate Fujifilm’s decision to omit an optical image stabilizer, but then many Fujifilm cameras provide IBIS these days and for standard zoom lenses that’s perfectly fine.
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