IR Fujifilm Interview: Fujifilm X-H2S, GFX100R, Tilt-Shift, PSAM, AIAF, 150-600mm, 18-120mm, and More

Image Resources published a lengthy interview with five FujiFilm engineers, and it is 8,000 words long. You can read the full interview here, or you can get the key points below:

Financial Stuff

  • Fujifilm is still doing well because the average selling price per camera is still increasing industry-wide even as sales decline, so the overall value is going up.
  • Fujifilm had double-digit growth last year and they are seeing it again this year
  • Fujifilm thought it was ready to pick up the pace this year after COVID, but the Shanghigh lockdown messed up their plans since the factory in China is their main factory, they manufacture some parts in china, and the port were closed, but now that it is open they think they can catch up to where they wanted to be.
  • There will be financial strain with inflation, but Fujifilm is still seeing a strong mirrorless market due to new products


  • AIAF depends on the camera processor, but the stacked sensor can feed the processor more images at 120 a second
  • Fujifilm used 10’s of thousands of photos for training that broke the photos down into parts like eyes, face, head, etc… which a human initially labeled
  • From there they used different size images with different angles to improve accuracy and then they moved to field testing to find hard-to-detect subjects to train with.
  • Fujifilm started AIAF after the last processor shipped so the process was very intensive
  • Before Fujifilm had a processor to run AIAF on they used a computer to simulate the processor and test the algorithms before prototypes even come out
  • Bird eye AF working on other subjects was a happy accident/coincidence
  • IBIS won’t affect AF performance unless there is shaking that prevents the human eye from being detected


  • Fujifilm claims they didn’t hear complaints when the GFX wasn’t PSAM (Apparently, they weren’t looking hard enough)
  • Fujifilm believes some control are best for different types of photographers

Stacked Sensor

  • First stacked sensor for Fujifilm X-Trans and first APS-C stakced sensosor
  • Readout speeds are 4x previous sensors
  • Fujifilm’s sensor doesn’t have buffer memory it just maximizes A/D conversion and transfer circuits to read 4x faster
  • Fujifilm designs the sensor and the foundry makes what they want just like previous sensors
  • Everyone has their own second layer for their stacked sensor implementation

Zero Blackout

  • Zero blackout works by doing 120 full sensor read-outs with a pathway in the processor to drive the EVF and to drive image capture and its the processors power that allows for all the computational pathways


  • FLog2 has more rolling shutter because it needs more bit depth than other modes so the A/D converters take longer to read out at 14-bit, which allows for 16,384 levels of brightness
  • Most video is captured at 12-bit so it only captures 4,096 levels of brightness

Manual Focus Punch in

  • There was an issue with beta firmware and punch-in softness, but that was resolved before the camera shipped

Fujifilm App Updated/Fixed?

  • The App currently works better with the X-H2S than with some older models
  • Fujifilm is aware of complaints and they are working hard to resolve issues, but can’t give an ETA for improving connectivity with older cameras

High-Resolution X-Trans or Bayer?

  • No comment beyond wait for X-Summit in Sept

Fujifilm X-H2S Cooling Unit

  • The camera can shoot for a long time without needing the cooling unit and most will not need it so Fujifilm made it into an accessory to keep the camera size down.
  • The fan is only required at higher ambient temperatures so it is unnecessary most of the time
  • 4k 60 at 25C will run for 240 min w/o fan
  • 49 60 at 40C will run for 20 min w/0 fan and 50 min with
  • 40C = 104F

Camera Lines

  • Fujifilm believes that each of its product lines has its own unique characteristics so they will make them for as long as they make sense and provide value to the customers
  • Some might take longer to update but they will all be updated when it makes sense

Fujifilm GFX100R?

  • The GFX100S is already very compact so there isn’t much reason for a GFX100R
  • The GFX50R was introduced to put compact medium format out there and now the GFX100S can fill that need
  • There isn’t much demand for a more compact GFX at this time

GFX Market

  • Fujifilm doesn’t track how much of the medium format market they hold because they view GFX as a competitor in full frame also and value studio b2b type business related to GFX
  • Fujifilm likely won’t make a camera just for the studio market, but they are interested in competing there

XF56mm f/1.2 II

  • The new XF56mm will address the wish list of current owners and we should see it sometime this year


  • Similar lenses weigh around 2kg, so FujiFilm targeted a 20% weigh reduction from the start, which is why the lens is f/8 at 600mm
  • The new sensor, processor, and quality high ISO allow for good AF performance at f/8
  • Fujifilm didn’t need any new technology to make this lens, which is why they used so much ED glass

PDAF Data Processing

  • Fujifilm can read out image data for live view and PDAF data separately
  • IR wanted to know if the PDAF data could be used for processing and Fujifilm simply confirmed they could store the PDAF data for processing if there was a reason to use it

XF18-120mm f/4

  • True zoom lens that doesn’t change focal lengths and it compensates for focal point shift using the camera
  • It’s kind of a hybrid system where the camera is doing AF constantly to keep the focal point in focus while zooming
  • Communication between the camera and body is 10x faster so the changes are fast and precise
  • This lens works best on the Fujifilm X-H2S
  • The team behind this lens was half photographers and half people that worked in TV

GF-mount tilt-shift or GF 20-35mm

  • Nothing to share at this time


  • Photographers are concerned about Fujifilm going mode dial, but they should know the technology in the X-H2S will be incorporated into other cameras (This is more an issue for photographers that want “flagship cameras to remain flagship cameras IMO”)
  • X-Pro probably doesn’t need fast tracking
  • Users shouldn’t be concerned based on two products
  • Fujifilm greatly appreciates all the interests
  • Fujifilm feels the X-H2S expands Fujifilm’s appeal because it has fewer limitations

Fujifilm X-H2S:
B&H Photo / Amazon / Moment / Adorama
Fujinon XF18-120mm f/4.0 LM PZ WR:
B&H Photo / Amazon / Moment / Adorama
Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 R WR:
B&H Photo / Amazon / Moment / Adorama

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