Madagascar In The Frame

‘Madagascar in the frame’: WaterAid and Fujifilm partnership brings to life the impact of clean water and sanitation to people’s lives

WaterAid and longstanding partner Fujifilm have teamed up to bring to life the stories of two communities in Madagascar and highlight the enormous impact of water and sanitation on their lives.

Award-winning photographer and Fujifilm X-Photographer Saraya Cortaville joined WaterAid Voices from the Field Officer Ernest Randriarimalala to capture beautiful images on Fujifilm’s award-winning X-T3 digital camera from the two communities of Tsarafangitra, where WaterAid has worked to bring clean water and decent toilets, and Ambohimanatrika, where the charity will work this winter.

Children from the communities in Manjakandriana, just east of the capital Antananarivo, were also given instax instant photography cameras so they had the opportunity to tell their own stories, showing  a unique insight into life through the children’s eyes.

The striking photos will now feature in a special book, printed on the Fujifilm Jet Press 750S, and a photography exhibition, entitled ‘Madagascar in the frame’, running for a month from 6 January at the newly launched FUJIFILM House of Photography, Fujifilm’s concept experience store based in Covent Garden, London.

Nearly half the population in Madagascar lacks access to clean water, and around nine in ten have no decent toilets, having a devastating impact on people’s health, education and livelihoods. Without these basics, whole communities are held back while others thrive.

Ernest Randriarimalala’s work with WaterAid is focused on bringing to life the daily reality faced by those denied access to clean water and sanitation, and the differences these basics can bring. He said:

“I see little kids in these villages with no access to clean water and it reminds me of my own childhood. I used to be sick all the time, just like these kids. For me this is not just a job, it’s a personal fight – to make sure that everyone, everywhere gets safe, clean water.”

This winter through its Access Denied appeal, WaterAid is aiming to raise £2 million to help bring clean water, decent sanitation and good hygiene to poor communities around the world, including in Ambohimanatrika.

Tim Wainwright, WaterAid’s Chief Executive, said:

“We are delighted to be working with Fujifilm on this unique partnership as part of our Access Denied appeal. The striking photos in the exhibition bring to life the beauty of Madagascar and the strength of its communities while highlighting the poverty that holds many back from reaching their full potential.

“Millions of people across the country and billions more around the world are denied access to safe water, decent toilets and good hygiene simply because of who they are, how much money they have, or where they live. WaterAid is committed to working towards a world where everyone everywhere has clean water to drink and decent toilets. Gaining access to these basic human rights creates a ripple of change, improving health, education and livelihoods of whole communities.”

Since 2012, Fujifilm has donated a percentage of the sales of every square metre of its processless printing plates sold in Europe, the Middle East and Africa to WaterAid. Donations to date now total over £525,000. Fujifilm’s processless plates, used in various industries including packing and newspaper printing, eliminate the processor, chemistry, gum and water used in the conventional plate production process. Unlike traditional plate processing systems, no water is used at all.

Andy Ross, Fujifilm UK’s Head of Corporate Communications said:

“Madagascar in the frame’ beautifully documents the impact of Fujifilm’s longstanding partnership with WaterAid and demonstrates how clean water and good hygiene can change communities’ for the better.

“Community is at the heart of Fujifilm’s values and we believe in making a difference right through our work, from celebrating the unique power of photography to bring stories such as those of Ernest and the children of Madagascar to life, to contributing to the sustainable development of society through the products we develop and the way we do business.”

The ‘Madagascar in the frame’ exhibition is open to public from 6 January at FUJIFILM House of Photography in Covent Garden, 8-9 Long Acre, Covent Garden. A coffee table book is available to purchase in-store (£25.00) with every penny going to support WaterAid’s work around the world.

Opening times:
Mon – Thu | 11:00 – 19:00
Fri – Sat | 10:00 – 20:00
Sun | 12:00 – 18:00

For more information, please contact:
Maya Verber, Senior Media Officer, MayaVerber(at)wateraid(dot)org or +44 (0)207 793 4909
Laura Crowley, PR manager, [email protected]  or +44 (0)207 793 4965
Rhiannon Berriman, Corporate Communications Executive, rhiannon.berriman(at)fujifilm(dot)com or +44 (0)1234 572804

After-hours call the WaterAid press line on +44 (0)7887 521 552 or email pressoffice(at)wateraid(dot)org.

WaterAid is working to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation. The international not-for-profit organisation works in 28 countries to change the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people. Since 1981, WaterAid has reached 27 million people with clean water and 27 million people with decent toilets. For more information, visit, follow @WaterAidUK or @WaterAidPress on Twitter, or find WaterAid UK on Facebook at

  • 785 million people in the world – one in ten – do not have clean water close to home.[1]
  • 2 billion people in the world – almost one in four – do not have a decent toilet of their own.[2]
  • Around 310,000 children under five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. That’s around 800 children a day, or one child every two minutes.
  • Every £1 invested in water and toilets returns an average of £4 in increased productivity.[3]
  • Just £15 can provide one person with clean water.[4]

FUJIFILM Corporation, Tokyo, Japan is one of the major operating companies of FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation. The company brings cutting edge solutions to a broad range of global industries by leveraging its depth of knowledge and fundamental technologies developed in its relentless pursuit of innovation. Its proprietary core technologies contribute to the various fields including healthcare, graphic systems, highly functional materials, optical devices, digital imaging and document products. These products and services are based on its extensive portfolio of chemical, mechanical, optical, electronic and imaging technologies. For the year ended March 31, 2019, the company had global revenues of approximately £16.8 billion. Fujifilm is committed to responsible environmental stewardship and good corporate citizenship.

[1] WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene: 2017 update and SDG Baselines
[2] WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene: 2017 update and SDG Baselines
[3] World Health organization (2012) Global costs and benefits of drinking-water supply and sanitation interventions to reach the MDG target and universal coverage

via Fujifilm


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