FujiAddict is Secure, New Server, and Adds Push Notifications

FujiAddict has grown substantially since launch and as promised we continue to reinvest in our community. You might have noticed that we added https and push notification, but I was waiting for all the notification bugs to be worked out to announce the features. We also have a new dedicated server with HostDuplex that will allow us to handle a lot more concurrent connections during announcements.

HTTPS is not just for purchases anymore, because there are so may threats online. Fujiaddict and our affiliates use https to protect you and clicking anything on a site that is not secure can be questionable, even if the author didn’t intend it to be. With growth comes greater responsibility and we are ahead of our peers because we care about our readers. Our sister sites Nikonrumors, LeicarumorsPhotorumors and Pentaxrumors have all been secured, with plans for SonyAddict and 43Addict to soon follow. You can read more about why HTTPS matters at google.

Our new push notification system can be controlled from the small red bell icon located on the lower right corner of the screen or if you prefer via the settings in your browser. Currently, notifications only work in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox web browsers. Push notifications were enabled because RSS is losing popularity among some readers, so now there is another option for getting updates quickly.

As always you can follow FujiAddict on Facebook, Twitter and join our Fujifilm GFX Owners Group/Fujifilm GFX Page. You can also follow me on 500px, YouTube or Instagram if you want to know what’s coming on the sites.

Thank you for your continued support of FujiAddict. Every time you make a purchase using one of our affiliate links (B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama) you help us grow with the community.

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