Behind The Frame Continues

“Using the X-T2 in a race setting was quite amazing. The new autofocus system with the new, improved continuous focus:  I was able to pull 14 frames per second of Formula 1 cars coming strait at me, in constant focus. It didn’t miss a single frame. I really think that this is a game changer for Fujifilm” – Jonas Rask

Episode 1

“The Fujifilm X100T is my enabler. My tool. So small, yet so incredibly capable. It allows me to see and capture the moments of everyday life like no other camera.” – Jonas Rask

Episode 2

“After I switcher from heavy DSLRs to Fujifilm X-Cameras, I didn’t have to see my physiotherapist anymore.” – Klaus Bo

Episode 3

“I love the Fujifilm X-cameras; they have changed my life as a photographer.” – Kunt Koivisto

Episode 4

“When I started to shoot digital, I was looking for a camera that had the same feeling of the old [Fuji 645]. Eventually, I found the X100. It’s a camera I love very much and I try to push it into everybody’s hands.” – Per-Anders Jörgensen

Episode 5

“I found it an intuitive tool which allowed me to shoot without thinking about what I was using. With the X-Pro1, I am a harmless, snap-happy tourist. That, to a street photographer, is a gift.” – Charlene Winfred

Episode 5

” The X-Pro 1 was a game-changer. I bought it the day it was released in 2012 and switched to using Fujifilm cameras for all of my Photography. I love that I get professional quality images in a compact and non-intrusive camera.” – Flemming Bo Jensen

Episode 6

“I love the intuitive interface and image quality of the Fujifilm X-series cameras. They are like a natural extension of my imagination. As with the old analog cameras: one look at the knobs, and you know your settings. No menus needed.” – Palle Schultz

Episode 7

“Sick and tired of caring my heavy DSLRs when traveling I have always been looking for a smaller system. After testing the X100S on two trips to Nepal, I recently jumped on the X-T1, which so far hasn’t been disappointing in any way” – Klaus Bo

Episode 8

“I love getting close to the artist while being able to feature the environment. With super color and contrast, a minimum aperture of F/1.4 and a non distorted wide angle view, the XF16mm is my favorite lens for shooting music.” – Flemming Bo Jensen

Episode 10

“I love the Fujifilm X-cameras; they have changed my life as a photographer. The X-Pro1 was a revolutionary camera combining traditional craftsmanship with cutting edge technology in a new innovative way.

For me it’s important that the X-Pro2 has stayed true to the original values of the X-series and at the same time pushed the technological innovations forward for years to come.” – Knut Koivisto

Episode 11

“Few things beat the feeling of an intuitive camera that just fits together with you, actually making you a better photographer.

The X-Pro 2 brings the same joy as the X-PRo1, but refined and fine-tuned in every way…

To me this is central, a camera just has to work. Instinctively. I think it’s called love…” – Per-Anders Jorgensen

Episode 12

Extreme Sports Photographer – Daniel Tengs

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