Fujifilm X-T30 EVF Diopter Mod and 3D Printable Angular 49mm and 52mm Filter Adapters For X100

Yuri Zvonar sent me two interesting projects he has been working on. The first is a diopter mod for the Fujifilm X-T30 that magnifies the viewfinder of the Fujifilm X-T30 to make it more like the Fujifilm X-T5 by using a 1.25x or 1.35x magnifier which you might be able to find on Amazon. B&H Photo also has Leica magnifiers if you want to try one with this project, but you might have to make some modifications. You can find the full project along with files for 3D printing on Yukosteel.

When I shot an M camera I almost always used a magnifier to nail my focal point and it made a big difference for manual focusing, but I do not think it would be as useful for photographers that use autofocus. Threaded viewfinders are the best for photographers who like to play with magnification, but Leica is the only company that currently makes a threaded viewfinder that I am aware of.

Yuri Zvonar also sent me a 3D printable angular 49mm and 52mm filter adapters for Fujifilm X100, which he designed to seal the Fujifilm X100 camera better. You can find his blog about the adapter and models on Yukosteel. If you like the look he achieved with the B+W brass filter you can find it here, but you will have to brass carefully using some sandpaper or abrasive around the rim.

As for the 3d printer you will need to try either of these projects Yuri used the inexpensive ELEGOO Neptune 3 Pro for the X100 project and it should work fine for the diopter project too. There are many 3d printer resources and communities online now that will allow you to make your own photography accessories for pennies on the dollar and the ELEGOO Neptune 3 Pro is a good affordable option that is even endorsed by Toms Hardware which is a great technical review site.

This entry was posted in Accessories, Fuji X100, Fuji X100S, Fuji X100T, Fujifilm X-T30, Fujifilm X-T30 II, Fujifilm X100F, Fujifilm X100V, Fujifilm X100VI. Bookmark the permalink. Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment.
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