7Artisan is teasing two new lenses the 7Artisan 12mm f/2.8 Cine Lens (E/M43/FX/Z/L/RF mounts) and 4mm f/2.8 for drones (E/FX/M43/EOS-M mounts). 7Artisan lenses can be found on Amazon.
via Photorumors, SonyAddict
7Artisan is teasing two new lenses the 7Artisan 12mm f/2.8 Cine Lens (E/M43/FX/Z/L/RF mounts) and 4mm f/2.8 for drones (E/FX/M43/EOS-M mounts). 7Artisan lenses can be found on Amazon.
via Photorumors, SonyAddict
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