Fake Rumors

It has come to my attention that there is a site out there that will remain nameless (simply because they scrub my name from the record) that continues to misinterpret my Fujifilm X-H1 and GFX Rumors (1, 2). This site has taken a number of my exclusive rumors and run with them, that turned out to be 100% accurate from the same source that gave me the X-H1 and GFX rumors, like the XF80 rumor here. The site openly criticizing my rumors is simply old and trying to hang onto their audience by flinging mud and parting out my rumors to improve their search engine optimization so the original rumors are harder to find so they can post more clickbait, which is something I do not do here because it is wasteful.

I am more than available right here if readers want to talk about what I think my source means by the text that I have made available for you to read. Further, I don’t go back and edit my posts to appear more accurate than I am unlike other sites and when I make a material edit I leave the original text. The above XF80 edit was made a few minutes after I posted it because my source contacted me about the typo in the E-mail. I leave errors on my site unlike others that scrub the record, but I am not going to waste any more time on this topic. There are a variety of reasons that different sites could receive very different leaks, but let’s hope none of them are actually happening.