Fujicolor 100 and Fujicolor SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 Are Being Repackaged as 36 Shot Products

Fujicolor 100 24 shots, Fujicolor SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 27 shots Discontinued

Integrated into a product with the same 36 shots

Thank you for your continued patronage of FUJIFILM products.

FUJIFILM Imaging Systems Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, President: Koji Matsumoto) has been using the color negative films for photography “Fujicolor 100 24 shots” and “Fujicolor SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 27 shots”. We have been working hard to absorb costs such as improving production efficiency and reducing costs, but due to the continuous stable supply of color negative film, we have decided to discontinue sales this time. In the future, “Fujicolor 100” and “Fujicolor SUPERIA PREMIUM 400” will be integrated into 36-shot products and will continue to be sold.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your patience.

We look forward to your continued patronage of Fujifilm products.


1. Target product and expected end of shipment

size Product name Expected shipping end time
135 Fujicolor 100 24 shots January 2022
Fujicolor SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 27 shots March 2022

* The shipping end time may change depending on the sales situation.

2. Future recommended products

size Product name
135 Fujicolor 100 36 shots
Fujicolor SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 36 shots