Fujifilm GFX 50S: Techart + Tilt Shift = The Best Camera For Architectural Photography

The Techart PRO is a compelling smart adapter and there are a few smart adapter options now for Fujifilm, but there aren’t a lot of reviews. It would be great if this review went beyond tilt-shift lenses since that is a nitch area of photography (he did a mini portrait comparison here), but the reviewer is very impressed with the adapters build quality and how well it operated even though it doesn’t entirely read the lenses names correctly. The Techart Pro performed surprisingly well with Canon Tilt-Shift lenses on the Fujifilm GFX 50S, but that’s helped by the increased image circle size inherent in tilt-shift lenses.

Techart PRO Canon EF

Canon 17mm Tilt-Shift: Very Usable

Canon 24mm Tilt-Shift: Very Usable

Canon 45mm Tilt-Shift: Might Want to Crop

Canon 90mm Tilt-Shift: Very Usable

The Canon 90mm tilt-shift performed the best of the lenses tested, while the Canon 45mm tilt-shift performed the worst. All, but the Canon 45mm tilt-shift were usable without cropping, but vignetting varied. Watch the full video for more details.

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Fujifilm GFX 50S: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Nikon D850: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama