DPReview: Fujifilm GFX 50S Takes Home The GOLD

Surprisingly the Fujifilm GFX 50S received a Gold Award even after DPReveiw beat the camera up some they came up with a relatively fair pros/cons list.

Pros Cons
  • 51.4MP, 44 x 33mm sensor yields high image resolution
  • Excellent image quality in both Raw and JPEG
  • ISO invariant behavior above ISO 1600 gives increasing amounts of highlight recoverability
  • Contrast Detect AF is accurate and precise
  • Fujifilm color science, and color chrome effect, in larger than APS-C size
  • Direct controls provide for engaging shooting experience
  • AF joystick + touchscreen makes selecting an AF point simple, effective
  • Touchscreen flips vertically and horizontally
  • Weather-sealing and solid build quality
  • Comfortable ergonomics
  • Plenty of custom buttons
  • Dual card slots give flexibility and capacity
  • Electronic first curtain shutter mode minimizes risk of shutter shock
  • Lack of mirror avoids mirror-induced shock other MF systems bring
  • In-camera Raw processing lets you make full use of excellent JPEG engine
  • Easy-to-use Wi-Fi
  • Slow native lenses do not take full advantage of camera’s sensor size
  • Contrast Detect AF speeds can be sluggish in moderate light, often fails in dim or backlit situations
  • No high speed flash sync
  • AF-C is virtually unusable due to constant hunting
  • Moiré is visible in fine detail and patterns
  • ‘Shimmering’ and moiré in the EVF when focus is initiated
  • Significant rolling shutter in complete (silent) E-shutter mode
  • No way to link minimum shutter speed to focal length with Auto ISO
  • Significant color shift at highest ISOs
  • No ISO 100 during video capture
  • No dedicated exp. comp. dial
  • Rear dial can be difficult to turn due to its position
  • Limited lens selection at launch

The biggest take away from the DPReview is probably “Overall, this is the best image quality we’ve ever seen. Which is what you’d hope for, given it’s one of the most expensive cameras we’ve ever reviewed.” and their recommendation of “If Fujifilm truly wants to steal users away from Canon, Nikon and Sony (and they should), they’re going to have to get serious about a few things: releasing faster glass, improving AF, and packing the most modern sensor technologies that smaller formats provide. ” has already been addressed.

We know faster glass is coming and AF will improve via firmware updates, plus FujiAddict spotted the next sensor first and it is BSI, which should put it light years ahead of Full Frame sensors. The Fujifilm GFX system is far better positioned from launch than the X system was and it’s going to be great to watch it grow.

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Fujifilm GFX 50S: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Via DPReview