The Fujiguys Hands-on With The Fujifilm GFX

(This video was posted earlier and removed so I have two very different perspectives mixed in here)

The Fujiguys go hands-on with the Fujifilm GFX and we get a few more details about the new camera from them. There’s lots of one handed holding happening throughout and the camera never looks hard to hold so it’s probably a very reasonable weight. The mount is 6mm deep it helps secure the lens and both the standard and optional viewfinder we reported the other day are pictured.

I haven’t mentioned this before before so I will now GFX

G is the format

F is for film

X is for the X DNA

I’m not sure why Fujifilm keeps drilling this when they present the camera.

The also added a C position on lens and the ISO dial that lets you control them from command dials like a DSLR… Fujifilm is making it very easy for people to switch. There is also a T position on the shutter speed dial that acts similarly.

There will be wifi and tethering. Everything is subject to change, even the EVF size might change. The new battery which is obvious from the photos is mentioned. USB4? PC Sync…EF-X500 works obviously so HSS should be available… Fujifilm very much sounds like they are gunning for full frame DSLRs.

Lenses with leaf shutters built in can be made in the future!