Laowa Argus 33mm f/0.95 APO Announced

Laowa just annoucned the Laowa Argus 33mm f/0.95 CF APO and you can order it directly from VenusOptics.

Laowa Argus 33mm f/0.95 CF APO is a magnificent f/0.95 Standard lens for the Cropped Frame(APS-C) camera. Achieving the APO design, enjoy the clear images with well controlled chromatic aberration. The ultra-fast aperture lens with APO is perfect for low light photography, shallow depth of field portrait and narrative videography. It is blessed with crystal clear details, extraordinary sharpness and exquisite bokeh.

Shipping starts from Early May for Fuji X and Sony E mount.

The Nikon Z and Canon RF will be shipped from Mid May.

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