Steels Ring GFX AF Adapter Firmware 2.12 Released

Steelsring updated their EF to GFX AF adapter.

2020/01/11 v2.12

1) Smooth AF driven of EF lenes

2) Correct aperture display error of several lenses.

3) Fixed bugs for EF 85 f/1.2 L MF support

For Mac OS 10.7.5+ users only:

You have to disable Gatekeepr before start firmware updater, and remeber to enable it again when it’s done.

To disable it: sudo spctl –master-disable

To enable it: sudo spctl –master-enable

Please refer to for more d

Windows: EF/GFX v2.12 固件下载 (Windows/PC 版)

Mac: EF/GFX v2.12 固件下载 (Mac版)

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