First Fujifilm GFX vs Sony a7RIII vs Nikon D850 vs Canon 5D Mark IV Comparison

The comparison between the Fujifilm GFX vs Sony a7RIII vs Nikon D850 vs Canon 5D Mark IV was inevitable and while the results are very interesting they could have been a little more clinical. imaging-resource put this comparison together and they tried to match the four systems as closely as they could but used some slightly different settings that might have advantaged some systems and disadvantaged others. I compiled a list of the equipment used.

You can view the full photos for each camera from the following links and the settings for each

While these photos were taken on a tripod shooting the GFX at 1/20th and depending on AF compared to the a7RIII does put it at a disadvantage. Sony’s eye AF is world class and I am unsure how skilled the photographers were with the GFX because I know the 63mm can get better results than this. I also wish this test was performed without contacts because the pattern being captured is less impressive than iris detail. Sony also enjoys an advantage here because their auto white balance has been tweaked quite a bit since the Sony a9 and original a7RII came out. I can’t wait to see how the a7RIII compares to the GFX for dynamic range and I am sure photons on photos will be first to release the results. I will actually have access to all of these cameras except the Canon when the a7RIII launches because we use the cameras we write about.

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Fujifilm GFX 50S: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Sony a7RIII: B&H PhotoAmazonAdorama

Nikon D850: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Canon 5D Mark IV: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama