Fujifilm GFX 50S: Road Trip, Reviews and Work

Now that it has warmed up across the United States photographers are starting to take trips to the midwest with the Fujifilm GFX 50S’ and they are vlogging about the experience. The GFX is an ideal travel camera that has no drawbacks compared to a modern DSLR for travel photography. Even if you feel that it doesn’t have the right focal length for you yet, there is a ton of great lenses that adapt very well to its sensor. The GFX roundups have shown how dozens of lenses adapt well with the 4:3 sensor in the Fujifilm GFX, which can actually more efficiently use a lens you already own then a 3:2 sensor. Many times even if there is vignetting there will be 40+ usable megapixels left. We also have a ton of photographers shooting adapted glass in the Fujifilm GFX Owners group, so very few questions go unanswered there.

camerajabber – FUJI GFX 50S REVIEW

laroquephoto – SUBCONNECTORS

hireacamera – Fujifilm GFX 50S review

macleancomms – Glenfinnan

hardwarezone – First impressions: Shooting with the Fujifilm GFX 50S

leighmiller – Fujifilm GFX 50S | Preview

Join our Fujifilm GFX Owners Group which is growing rapidly, also follow the Fujifilm GFX Page to get more tailored news on Facebook and follow Fujiaddict on Facebook and Twitter.

Fujifilm GFX 50S: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Fujinon GF 110mm F 2 R LM WR: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Fujinon GF 23mm F 4 R LM WR: 
B&H Photo  / Amazon / Adorama