Mr. Haruki’s Fujifilm GFX 50S Impressions

image courtesy of DC.Watch

DC.Watch has an editorial by Mr. Haruki about the Fujifilm GFX 50S that is a little difficult to read via google translate, but I pulled out a few quotes to share.

“Since GFX 50S is compact, it is not conscious of being a middle-sized camera”

“It is smaller than I imagined at all and it is almost the same size as the existing 35 mm full size digital SLR camera. Rather, on a weight basis, GFX is surprisingly slightly lighter.”

“Both launch and AF seems to be responsive with agile movement.”

“You can use it in a sense close to 35 mm in any field such as landscape, fashion, commodity, snap, architecture, portrait.”

His impressions as a medium format shooter are interesting, but it isn’t clear why he was unable to give any impressions about the image quality. This could be an issue with google translate. There is also a great comparison shot (seen above) of the Fujifilm X-T2 and GFX 50s along with the Fujifilm H mount adapter on camera (below).

image courtesy of DC.Watch

The article has a few new images worth seeing at the very least, I don’t want to steal their thunder, so check out the full article at DC.Watch. Please don’t forget to join our GFX owners group and page for GFX related collaboration in addition to following FujiAddict on Facebook.

via DC.Watch

Fujifilm GFX B&H Photo/Amazon/Adorama

Fujifilm X-T2 B&H Photo/Amazon/Adorama

Fujifilm X-T2 Graphite Edition B&H Photo/Amazon/Adorama