Fujifilm GFX 50S Interview With Mr. Toshihisa Iida by DPReview

In the Interview with DPReview Mr. Toshihisa Iida states that the difference between full frame and APS-C is too narrow and Fujifilm wanted a major difference in image quality. APS-C can handle the majority of photography needs but for those that want the ultimate image quality medium format is the way to go. Image quality is number one followed by the size and weight of the camera. The biggest challenge when designing this camera was capturing the light as strait as possible. X-Trans wasn’t necessary for this size format and reduces the complexity of the processing without reducing image quality. Of course other lenses can be use on the camera, but they don’t have plans to make adapters until the future. The camera will do “Full HD even not 4k” weird way of saying what it can do… but the depth of field will be very interesting for movies. The Fujifilm GFX 50s is for any photographer that needs high-resolution, wider dynamic range, better low light performance (should be the same). Great for fashion, photographers, portrait or commercial photographers and will be available early next year.