Fujifilm House of Photography Australia Opening in 8 Days

Fujifilm is opening a House of Photography like the one in London in Sydney Australia in just over 8 days according to the official website’s count down. This is only their second location and it is the first I am hearing of Fujifilm expanding their in-person reach since closing the Fujifilm Wonder Photo location in NYC, which was a great location that I visited while in NYC. Brand-specific camera stores can be a lot of fun and they often host events involving photographers that use Fujifilm and X Photographers.

The Fujifilm House of Photography is located at 2 Park Street, Sydney NSW 2000 and it will open on July 7th with the following hours.

Fujifilm House of Photography opening hours:

Monday – Wednesday 10am – 6pm

Thursday 10am – 9pm

Friday 10am – 6pm

Saturday 10am – 6pm

Sunday 10am – 5pm

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