Fujifilm Controls 5.6% of The Camera Market Putting Them in Fourth Place Behind Canon, Sony, and Nikon

Nikkei published the latest digital camera global market shares for 2020 and the top brands are:

  1. Canon: 47.9% (+2.5%)
  2. Sony: 22.1% (+1.9%)
  3. Nikon: 13.7% (-4.9%)
  4. Fujifilm: 5.6 % (-0.3%)
  5. Panasonic 4.4% (-0.3%)

Canon, Sony, and Nikon control about 80% of the market with Fujifilm and Panasonic controlling about 10% and others makes controlling about the last 10% of the market. The global disruption of COVID seems to have shaken the camera market up quite a bit and it will be interesting to see how things recover over the years to come.

via Digicame-infoPhotorumors, SonyAddict