DPRTV: 5 Best Fujifilm Film Simulations

Film simulations are incredibly subjective so the above is just a fun comparison. I like a lot of Fujifilms simulations and I will try them all on a great photo just to see which might give the best results, but I personally use the simulations listed below as my top 5. I also do not like to bake in the color in advance so I tend to apply my simulations after the fact with the build-in RAW developer or Lightroom/Capture One.

My Top 5

  1. Classic Chrome
  2. Nostalig Neg
  3. Classic Neg
  4. ACROS
  5. Eterna

One more thing of note is that picking a film simulation changes what you see through your EVF so I often leave it set to Provia in camera since that is Fujifilm’s “Standard” profile, but I will switch to ACROS if I am in the mood for a monochromatic look.

DPRTV has very different preferences than my own for photos

  1. Monochrome
  2. Provia
  3. Classic Neg
  4. Velvia
  5. Nostalig Neg

DPRTV also picked Eterna for video, which is a no-brainer since Jordan is always raving about how great the color is out of the camera for video.

Fujifilm Cameras: B&Hphoto  / Amazon

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