Cameralabs Fujinon XF50mm f/1 vs XF56mm f/1.2 vs XF50mm f/2 Comparison
Camera labs just released a comparison of the Fujinon XF50mm f/1 with the Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 and XF50mm f/2. You can watch the full video above or read the summary below:
These lenses are positioned at $500 intervals starting at around $500
All three lenses have slightly different coverage with the f/2 being a fraction wider and the f/1.2 being a little tighter
The 50mm f/1 has a ton of detail wide open all the way out to the corners, but there is a little vynyetting
All 3 have similar performance in the middle with the f/1 having a little more bite
In the corners the 50mm f/1 has sharper results
The 56mm f/1.2 and 50mm f/2 only catch up in the corners around f/5.6 with the f/2 still being a little behind
For portraits the 56mm f/1.2 and 50mm f/1 have similar bokeh, but the f/1 is a little softer
When stopped down to f/2 the 50mm f/2 has the sharpest edget bokeh which makes it busy which might not be ideal
At f/2 the 56mm f/1.2 and 50mm f/1 start to take on the shape of their aperture blades
You might not get both eyes in focus on the wider aperture lenses wide open
All 3 lenses render differently at f/2
The 50mm f/1 has the biggest bokeh blobs, while the 56mm f/1.2 renders very defined edges, and the 50mm f/2 has smooth bokeh
Fujifilm XF50mm f/1 jumps from f/1.1 to f/1.3
The 50mm f/1 has 9 aperture blades while the 56mm f/1.2 has 6 which make bokeh become hexigon shaped at times
The 50mm f/2 becomes more attractive the more stopped down you’re shooting
Good AF performance for the 50mm f/1 and 56mm f/1.2 they are comparable speed and accuracy wise
The 50mm f/2 focused the fastest and hunted the least
Lots of lens noise out of the 50mm f/1 and 56mm f/1.2
The 50mm f/2 is silent
If you need audio without mics the 50mm f/2 is the best option
The 50mm f/1 and 50mm f/2 have similar video AF performance with the 56mm f/1.2 being worse
There is some LoCA with the 50mm f/1
The 70mm minimal focus distance of the 50mm f/1 is a bit limiting
The 50mm f/1 gives you a taste of the exotic that is best on large body cameras
These three lenses are well differentiated and priced
Which to choose is hard to say, but it would be worth owning all three
If you could only pick one then you might be best off stretching for the Fujinon XF50mm f/1 R LM WR