Toshi Iida President and Managing Director of Fujifilm in Europe Interview

Amateur Photographer posted its interview of Toshi Iida that was recently promoted to President and Managing Director of Fujifilm in Europe today and they cover some interesting topics. You can read the full interview here or the summary below:
- COVID-19 has reduced the amount of operating professional photographers
- It’s Fujifilm’s job to help these photographers get back to work by providing a high level of support (note: Fujifilm is one of the few that didn’t stop providing service) and affordable prouducts
- Global demand for cameras has dropped by 40% since April 2020 acording to CIPA
- Fujifilm has been preforming significantly better than the industry thanks to the X-T4 and X100V
- There is still room for innovative products
- The demand for online printing has remained strong
- Fujifilm as a whole is focused on helpiung to bring an end to the pandemic (which we have covered here)
The Future
- The biggest challenge is to continue innovating in R&D
- Users don’t buy sensors they buy experiences so Fujifilm doesn’t follow the same path as others
- Innovative service is a part of inovative experiences
- Fujifilm is a place where people can nurture creativity on a camer or smartphone
- The Fujifilm House of Photography in London was an effort of keeping with their Wonder Photo Shops they wanted to create a playground for photographers
How is Being The Head of Europe Different
- Europe is very diverse
- Best sellers are pretty much the same between regions
- X-T4, X-T3, X-T30 are all popular and the X100V has been a global best seller
- GFX is the only thing that is different because it is almost exactly evenly split except in China
- X-A sells well in asian countries
- Globally Instax is one of the biggest brands
- Now we see instax as the most thriving imaging product in Europe because last year sales doubled the next imaging devices acording to Gfk
- APS-C is still clearly the best balanced sensor size for a system
- Fujifilm is commited to APS-C
- Fujifilm doesnt think there us a full format in digital
- Mirrorless is great for rethinking things
- GFX provides the best image quality without a high level of investment
Fujifilm S-X10, 10-24mm, and More
- Well developed for people coming from DSLRs
- Updating lenses requires a complete redesign from scratch sometimes and he can not talk about future products
- When asked about third party lenses he only said that users have been heard
Fujifilm X-S10: B&H Photo / Amazon / Moment / Adorama
Fujifilm X-T4: B&H Photo / Amazon / Moment / Adorama
Fujifilm X-T3: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama
Fujifilm X100V: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama
Fujinon XF10-24mmF4 R OIS WR:
B&H Photo / Amazon / Moment / Adorama
Fujifilm GFX100: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama
Fujifilm GFX50R: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama
Fujifilm GFX 50S: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama
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