Fujifilm EF-FX Pro II and EF-FX II Firmware 1.90 Released

A new firmware has been released for the award winning EF-FX Pro II and EF-FX II. You can Download 1.90 Here

In addition to adding some lenses to the tested and optimized lens list, we also have fixed a couple of compatibility issues with the X-Trans IV cameras. Please check the details below.

Version 1.90

  1. Added following lenses to the tested and optimized lens list:
  2. Fixed PDAF issues for some lens of the following models: Lens didn’t get recognized by the adapter due to different lens firmware version.
  3. Fixed a compatibility issue with X-T3 firmware 4.0: under certain circumstances, contrast AF may fail. This issue may also affect other cameras like X-T4 and X-S10.
  4. Fixed camera freeze issue on cameras equipped with X-Trans IV CMOS. When
    • In bright environment,
    • Adapting telephoto, ultra-fast or macro lenses,
    • Aperture is NOT wide open,
    • Subject is far away from current focus point and is so blur that phase detection doesn’t work,

Auto focus may fail. Sometimes, especially when using AF-ON button or touch screen to AF, it may freeze the camera. Even the power switch doesn’t work.

This problem has been fixed. Affected cameras include X-T3 (firmware 2.0 or later), X-T30, X-T4, X-Pro3, X-S10.

As the bug fixes are important, upgrading is highly suggested.

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