Video IBIS Comparison: Fujifilm X-T4 vs Panasonic GH5 vs Olympus E-M1 III vs Sony a6600


Image source did a video IBIS comparison of 4 popular crop sensor cameras the Fujifilm X-T4, Panasonic GH5, Olympus E-M1 III, and Sony a6600 at 24p and 60p. For this comparison, they used 35mm equivalent and 50mm equivalent lenses. All footage is 1080p using a rig designed for all 4 cameras so that they experience the same motion/vibration. Above is the video and below is the summary:

Test 1 Handheld Panning at 35mm 24fps

Test 2 Smooth Driving Vehicle at 50mm 24fps

Test 3 Strolling Down The Road at 35mm 24fps

Test 4 Following a Bicycle From a Bicycle at 50mm 60fps

Test 5 Bumpy Golf Cart on a Smooth Road at 35mm 24fps

Test 6 Bumpy Golf Cart on a Smooth Road II at 35mm 60fps

Test 7 Bumpy Golf Cart on Bumpy Bridge 50mm 60fps

Test 8 Bumpy Golf Cart on Bumpy Bridge II 35mm 24fps

Conclusion and Ranking

  1. Olympus E-M1 III – Handled all of the tests quite well and performed the best in most of them especially the toughest tests with a very fluid IBIS system
  2. Panasonic GH5 – Best for walking which gives it #2 because it is a common use case and it handles drives quite well
  3. Fujifilm X-T4 – Handles handheld panning and smooth driving scenes well, but isn’t quite as good for walking, but still handles it well
  4. Sony a6600 – Can handle easy panning and smooth driving, but it jumps around when conditions get bumpy

Image resource didn’t have the latest firmware on the Fujifilm X-T4 (1.02), which improves IBIS performance considerably, so it should do even better today. Personally I would say the X-T4 matched the GH5, but I agree that the Olympus E-M1 III did the best in every respect except for the walking test, in which the GH5 offers gimbal-like performance. I am really impressed with Fujifilm’s IBIS and how it has improved since the Fujifilm X-H1. I am also a bit shocked at how bad the IBIS is on the Sony a6600.

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Fujifilm X-T4: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

VG-XT4 Vertical Battery Grip: B&H Photo Amazon / Adorama

NP-W235 Battery:  B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Fujifilm BC-W235 Dual Battery Charger: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama