First Third Party DIGIeye NP-W235 With Charger is The Same Price as Fujifilm NP-W235


Well it looks like we might not save on third-party NP-W235 batteries anytime soon. The DIGIeye NP-W235 with Charger is the first third party battery available on Amazon and it ships in 4 to 5 days, but have an arrival of August 4-25th so it is probably coming from China in some convoluted way.

They are advertising 2250mAh, which is higher than the original 2200mAh of the Fujifilm NP-W235, but not enough to matter. Maybe the price of third party batteries will come down some in the weeks and months to come, but for now, the original Fujifilm NP-W235 is the way to go.

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Fujifilm X-T4: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

VG-XT4 Vertical Battery Grip: B&H Photo Amazon / Adorama

NP-W235 Battery:  B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Fujifilm BC-W235 Dual Battery Charger: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama