Meet up with Romain Laurendeau – 2020 World Press Photo Awards Winner
Fujifilm meet up with Romain Laurendeau 2020 World Press Photo Awards Winner. Below is a summary of the interview:
- Romain Laurendeau is a french photographer that started with science and moved into photography
- He became a visual journalist to tell stories of people different than him
- For Romain, the award validates his work
- He likes to tell stories about human tragedy
- His photo was to get people to wonder how people in Algeria live
- For him there is a universal story of people facing ideology that prevents them from dreaming
- It was difficult for him to get a visa and room to sleep in Algeria
- The project took about 5 years to complete
- He took about 1,000 photos a day while in Algeria
- x100 is very quiet so it didn’t disturb the scene
- The X100 lets Romain Laurendeau photograph the intimate because it is small, light, and silent, so it is forgotten
- They knew he was taking pictures, but never knew very well
- He has X100, X100S, X100T, X100S and plans to get an X100V probably
- Romain believes Fujifilm understands photographers
Fujifilm X100V: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama
Fujifilm X100F: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama
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