Fujifilm GX100 Factory Tour and Eye AF: 12 Days Until Shipment

Above, The Straits Times was one of the many journalists to get a look inside Fujifilm’s factory. While they aren’t really a camera channel they do have some unique footage in their video in addition to stock footage if you’re into the small details. There isn’t a lot of footage, but you get a pretty decent look at the 110 piece GFX100 IBIS assembly and some new angles of the 900 piece body assembly, which is all done by hand. They also mention that the GFX100 has weather sealing at 95 points.

A lot of journalists and youtube influencers got tours of Fujifilm’s factory, but many of the videos that have been posted online from these tours have been extremely short or not informative at all. So far Cinima5D has the best look at the creation of the GFX100 out. Hopefully, we will see some more soon as the launch approaches.

Below an interesting GFX100 Eye AF video showing off Fujifilm’s Gen4.0 and Gen4.1 Eye/Face AF system. You can definitely see an improvement in Fujifilm’s tracking algorithm below and many have been impressed by the Fujifilm GFX100’s tracking ability. I am hopefully that Fujifilm will be the first camera company to really catch Sony with their Eye AF/Face Detection technology but Sony just keeps leaping ahead with Fujifilm closely following throughout their lineup.

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Fujifilm GFX100 (Preoders): B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama