DPR: Fujifilm X100F vs Ricoh GR III

I am a long time fan of the Fujifilm X100 and Ricoh GR, with the X100 being one of the few cameras I have ever purchased multiple times. Both cameras are great and they are good for very different situations in my opinion, but DPR decided to compare them. Below is how DPR thinks they stack up:

As I said before I love both cameras and we should get an updated Fujifilm X100 soon, but I’m not sure I could pick just one. The GR really is a true pocket camera and it uses DNG which is more important than it being bayer.

In my experience, DNG RAW files are pretty much an automatic win for me over the whole bayer vs X-Trans debate that many dive into. I greatly prefer the image quality X-Trans can produce over Bayer, but DNG RAW files make life easier and I wish Fujifilm would implement DNG so that X-Trans becomes a non-issue. You can read the full article here.

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Fujifilm X100F: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Richo GR III: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama