STC Optical Clip Filters Coming to Fujifilm Soon

STC Optical Clip Filter is expanding their clip-on filter line up to include Fujifilm cameras and more. These filters are popular among photographers that do now want to deal with filter systems or owning multiple sized filters since they sit on the sensor. They are also great for astrophotography. We have an astrophotography addict group that you can join that is picking up with the season upon us now.

Product Details

Made for the Canon (Full-Frame DSLR / APS-C DSLR), Nikon (Full-Frame DSLR), SONY (α7 series, α9 / E-mount APS-C MILC), Fujifilm (X-series APS-C MILC) and PENTAX (APS-C DSLR) camera bodies.

Specially designed Clip-shaped structure could be easily imbedded and firmly stabilized while attaching the lens on camera body. Therefore, the paralleled focal plane could ensure focusing performance clearly. The color shift issue that may occur due to the wide angle SLR lens in peripheral areas of the image also can be solved.

The material of Clip Filter is black anodized 304 stainless steel which is virtually non-magnetic and less brittle at low temperature. Various kinds of glasses can be replaced in the sophisticated frame, including Astro filter, infrared filter UV-IR CUT filter and ND filter. More creative images can be discovered by your photographer’s eye.


via Stcoptics