CP+ Japan Coverage Starts Today With Fujinon GF 110mm f/2 R LM WR AF Motor Demo

富士フイルムのGF110mm F2 R LM WRのAFモーター、キモカワで良さある #cpplus #cpplus2019 pic.twitter.com/5qee1rirnJ

— Yamakawa/CNET Japan (@masyamakawa) February 28, 2019

CP+ 2019 started today in Japan and the Fujifilm booth as a Fujinon GF 110mm f/2 R LM WR autofocus motor demo in their booth. There should be lots of interesting announcements over the coming days largely coming from third parties so stay tuned. Also, check out Fujifilm’s CP+ page if you will be at the show because they have a lot of very interesting talks scheduled in the coming days.

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