DPR: Fujifilm GFX X Summit Concepts up Close

Fujifilm showed off some concepts at the recent X Summit that we covered in depth. DPReview just published the best look we have gotten yet of these concepts including the modular GFX which is based on the Hasselblad 500-series camera. This camera was called the Omega concept and represents the most radical design. This never reached production because the shutter mechanism was too large for the concept.

Fujifilm also produced two X-T based camera called the Gamma which you can see below.

Finally, there is a GFX range finder concept that they showed and it has a very interesting design also. It did not have a viewfinder and instead had a flip down waste level screen, which would have been amazing to have with an EVF. I have always preferred camera designs that let you turn the LCD around for protection and this would be the next best thing for someone that doesn’t use the LCD to shoot.

DPReview has more photos in their gallery along with a slightly different take if you are interested, which you can view here.

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