Fujifilm GFX 50S Firmware Ver.3.30 and New Feature Guide Released

The firmware update Ver.3.30 from Ver.3.20 incorporates the following issues:

Regarding the details of No..1, 3 and 4 download the “GFX50S New Features Guide[Ver.3.30]” from our website.

  1. Supports “35mm Format Mode” when using GF Lens and H mount adapter

    “35mm Format Mode” crops the center of the sensor 36.0mm x 24.0mm(30.5M) and records JPEG and RAW file.
  2. Improved eye-sensor response

    Reduced the time to switch between EVF and LCD when you select “eye-sensor” on the viewfinder display settings.
  3. Supports simultaneous delete for RAW and JPEG files

    When RAW / JPEG is selected in the card slot setting (for still image), RAW/JPEG image can be deleted simultaneously. By selecting “OFF”, only the RAW image will be deleted.
  4. Supports EVF and LCD color adjustment

    Color of EVF/LCD is adjustable from screen setting menu.

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