Fujifilm X-T2 Amateur Photographer’s Product of The Year

Fujifilm X-T2 is Amateur Photographer’s Product of The Year among other Fujifilm products that received their love. Their loves page is interesting because it isn’t confined to one year or production, but their list is very solid including the:

Fujifilm X-T2

Fujifilm X-T20

Fujifilm X100F

Fujinon XF 50 f/2

Fujinon XF 23 f/2

You can see the complete ap loves list here. They seem to understand why we are all big Fujifilm fans for sure because their Fujifilm selection all comes down to feel. Of course, I love the Fujifilm GFX 50s, but it does feel a little clunky compared to the Fujifilm X-T2 that just fits my hand like a glove with the battery grip attached, but it is not nearly as annoying as a Sony camera, even though they have gotten better in recent years. I have to give credit where credit where credit is due and the Sony a9 and Sony a7RIII are a marginal improvement over the a7 Mark 2 series of cameras.