Meyer Optik P75 II Will Get GFX Mount If 25 Indiegogo Supporters Ask For It

The Meyer Optik P75 II might be produced in G-mount if 25 backers ask for it via the Indiegogo since the lens can create a big enough image circle. Meyer Optik makes some really unique glass and this could be a very interesting lens on the GFX, but if you’re not a GFX shooter it’s also avalible on X-Mount.

Meyer Optik is known for bubbly and swirly bokeh, which photographer either love or hate. This lens suposidly does both, which is kind of unique. You can see some examples below and there are more on the Indiegogo page. Their lenses have a nice feel to them and I wish they were a little easier to get a hold of, but this is  how they launch them so if you want one for your GFX order today.