Photons to Photos Preliminary Dynamic Range Results Are In Fujifilm GFX vs Sony a7RIII vs Nikon D850 vs Canon 5D Mark IV


Photons to Photos Preliminary dynamic range results have been released and they are certainly disappointing for Sony fans if you’re not familiar with the site, which always skews conservatively. You can expect the Sony a7RIII to perform slightly better when final results are available, but it’s unlikely it will surpass the GFX, which makes me wonder where Sony gets their 15 stops of dynamic range measurement from. It’s very interesting that Sony’s claimed dynamic range improvements are not showing up in initial testing. You can manipulate the results here.

This after we have had a very engaging discussion about photography techniques based on the flawed sharpness comparison test the other day. The Fujifilm GFX Owners group became filled with examples of eye crops better than image resources ranging from X-Series to GFX cameras. While I can appreciate the conditions under which Image Resource probably had to take these photos their technique was flawed and demonstrates why it’s important for bloggers to actually own and use the cameras they review. Not every camera does the work for you like the Sony a7RIII. The Fujifilm GFX 50S is a camera that takes fines to obtain maximum resolution.

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Fujifilm GFX 50S: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Sony a7RIII: B&H PhotoAmazonAdorama

Nikon D850: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Canon 5D Mark IV: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama