Fujifilm X-E3: First Bug Reported and More

It looks like the Fujifilm X-E3 might have a reproducible bug, but we won’t know for sure until more cameras are available for testing. This issue could be similar to the bug found on some GFX camera viewfinders or it could simply be something with the face identification algorithm slowing down the refresh rate of the screen on the X-E3. The bug doesn’t seem to have any serious negative consequences so it is nothing to be overly concerned about at this time. The person that produced the video below seems to be enjoying their camera anyway and has posted a review and settings entry on their blog.

nandakusumadi – Fujifilm X-E3 Tips and Tricks: My Best Settings

nandakusumadi – Fujifilm X-E3 First Impressions Review and Bluetooth Impressions

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Fujifilm X-E3: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Fujinon XF 80mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama