Fringer Firmware 2.1 Adds Contax 55/3.5 and 210/4 Support

Fringer expanded the compatibility of their AF adapter to support Contax 55/3.5 and 210/4, with Contax 45-90 and 350/4 to be added in the future. You can download the update here if you already have an adapter or you can buy an adapter here. The reason for the addition of more lenses according to Fringer is

“I was conservative on AF performance of adapted Contax 645 lenses on CDAF bodies like GFX. However, more and more in field tests made me believe that the AF performance actually is quite good in most cases. And one more option for users should always be better. That’s why I changed my mind. But please don’t be too optimistic. The AF performance is still lower than GF lenses on GFX or C645 lenses on C645 body due to the limitations of the old lens design. Thus, if you find it doesn’t satisfy you, please change to MF. All C645 lens can work under MF mode. And their super fine MF rings are way better than GF lenses’.” – Fringer

But I can’t help to wonder if this expansion is the result of the Kipon Contax645-EF AF being announced. According to Kipon their adapter has no limitations and should work with every Contax lens so Fringer will have some stiff competition soon if this ends up being the case. Kipon definitely has the resources to develop a superior adapter, but will they fully commit?