Fujifilm GFX 50S RRS L-Plate Set Update


Really Right Stuff sent out an E-mail to customers that orders the RRS Fujifilm GFX 50S RRS L-Plate containing the following information:

“GFX 50S L-Plate Set Update

Hi …,We recently shipped to you

We recently shipped to you a RRS L-Plate Set for your new Fuji GFX 50S camera. This plate set features our modular design consisting of a custom base plate that mounts to the base of your camera, and a separate L-component that  slides into a groove in the base plate. Unfortunately this particular design utterly failed on the “smooth & easy” feature.

We tried a new approach with this design in an attempt to make the plate even more rigid when used in portrait/vertical mode. But this change came at the cost of the user experience, and made the L-component nearly impossible to slide out for quick access to the battery. We’ve listened to your feedback and want to assure you that we’re working on the “really right” solution. We’ll be back in touch shortly to let you know how we plan to deliver the L-Plate that your Fuji camera deserves. In the meantime, please continue to use the base plate; all necessary modifications will only involve the L-component.”

The reader that sent in the E-mail had the following perspective on the product:

“Not sure if you are aware of this, so I thought I’d send it to you. I”m sure RRS wouldn’t mind as this truly exemplifies their customer focused support.

This only involves the L bracket made for use with the basic GFX 50s configuration, and not for the one with the extra battery/grip.

I must say that the product is quite robust and nicely finished, as are all RRS products I own. It just doesn’t work exactly the way it was intended.

The sliding L portion is very nicely made, but, as others have found, not the “silky”, smoothly moving piece we expected. However, I found that it works just fine as long as I don’t try to over-tighten it. Once I figured that out, I can coax it out so I can replace the battery. But, as RRS has indicated, they want to make it foolproof. I’m all for excellence.

I really like that they are taking a “road less traveled” to engineer the best L bracket for this camera. They will figure it out. Until then, it serves it’s purpose.”

It’s good to know that RRS is doing their best to address concerns and that our reader finds the current adapter usable. Hopefully, V2 delivers on complete battery accessibility. Generally speaking, RRS makes some of the best camera accessories money can buy.

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Fujifilm GFX 50S: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

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B&H Photo  / Amazon / Adorama