Fuji X-Mount for Veydra Mini Primes Coming Soon

The increasing popularity of Fujifilm’s cameras for quick, nimble motion picture work has begun another trend in the mirrorless realm – using legacy legacy lenses for cinematic work. Similar to the popularity of the Sony E-mount ecosystem, the X-mount features a similar shallow flange depth that makes adapting older SLR lenses a breeze with a plethora of cheap, accessible adapters. But what if you wanted an affordable, purpose built cinema lens for the X-mount system without using cheap, flimsy adapters? 

Fujifilm has taken their time introducing video features to their line of cameras and has even left it completely out of certain models – which I personally, really appreciate. In the words of the great Dr. Ian Malcolm: “…your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.” Now that Fuji is gaining some traction with their new XT-2 camera and its video capability, there’s a good chance that Fujifilm will continue down this path.

Any Fujifilm fan (including myself) knows that Fujinon makes some amazing lenses for their X line of cameras. They’re fast, lightweight, sharp, and relatively affordable. I firmly believe lens quality and selection is what sets Fujifilm apart from the rest of the mirrorless pack. But for motion picture work, the current lineup of Fuji X lenses simply isn’t going to produce good results. Will they get the job done? Sure… They’ll be good enough.

This is where Veydra’s Mini Primes come in. Originally released for Micro 4/3, the Mini primes lineup now consists of a 12mm, 16mm, 19mm, 25mm, 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm. Shortly after their launch, the Mini Primes were made available in C-mount and Sony E-mount as well, but only for the 19mm and longer. You see, the 12mm and 16mm won’t cover a Super 35 format sensor so there’s no need for those to be available in anything other than Micro 4/3 and C-mount.

But what about Fuji X-mount? Enter Duclos Lenses and their team of passionate, talented technicians and engineers. They’ve designed and manufactured a mount kit that takes the place of the original Micro 4/3 or Sony E-mount, offering a beautiful textured stainless steel Fuji X-mount. Why stainless steel and not nickel plated brass or aluminum like the rest of the lens body? “Stainless steel represents the reliability and precision that is expected of quality cinema lenses, and similarly, of the reputation we’ve worked so hard to establish here at Duclos Lenses” says Project Manager, Matthew Duclos.

The kit will be available for customers that simply want to upgrade their existing lenses. Or if you’re in the market for a new lens, the Veydra Mini Primes will also be available for purchase in a native X-mount from Duclos Lenses as well as other authorized Veydra dealers . Kits will be priced at $125 and will be available beginning this Summer. Order directly from Duclos Lenses here.

Via The Cinelens

You can read more about the Veydra Mini Primes here