Fujifilm GFX 50S: Reviews, Stop The Click Bait and Adapted Glass

DPReview wrote a bit of an extreme response to the Fujifilm GFX 50S a few days ago and while I was considering responding The Photo Fundamentalist beat me to it with a well reasoned article that is worth reading. The GFX isn’t hype and it is dragging the photography world forward kicking and screaming. Fujifilm is challenging the norms and that’s what I love about them as a company.

Some are resistant to this, but the technology behind photography is very limited. There is only so much that can be done to improve image quality today and Sony invested billions to move the industry forward a stop. It’s unlikely we will see another breakthrough in sensor technology for a while, which is exactly why the GFX makes sense now. Large format sensors have a lot of room for improvement.

Reviews and More

The Photo Fundamentalist – Analysis of DPReviews Fujifilm GFX 50S Article “The difference is that the GFX is actually a real, single camera, which is arguably much more useful to a photographer…Just as the DP Review article in no way ‘killed the Fujifilm GFX 50S’, the GFX in no way ‘destroys’ the argument for Full-Frame. Life is very rarely binary and (sadly) existing camera owners simply ‘fight for their team’ rather than appreciating things objectively.”

Laroque Photo – GFX ACROS “My head keeps telling me bro, total placebo…relax already, but I can’t shake it. I don’t even know if it translates or if others will even see it, especially on a web page or a social feed—which now defines so much of our image consumption. The only term that comes to mind, the same one I used in my first look some weeks ago, is fluidity. And at the risk of sounding even more ridiculous, I’d now add silent—it’s like there’s a hush that covers these images. A stillness. I guess I could define this in technical terms: it’s the tone transitions, the bokeh that melts into nothingness, a sharpness that’s never jagged. Rounded as opposed to angular…but there I go again with an esoteric description. ”

The Last Word – Review Begins

The Last Word – Hassselblad 150/3.2 on Fujiflim GFX-50S

The Last Word – Nikon 105 mm f/1.4 on Fuji GFX-50S

The Last Word – Otus 85 f/1.4, Zeiss & Nikon 135 f/2 FF lenses on Fuji GFX-50S

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Fujifilm GFX 50S: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama