Phil Anderson Mini Review From The Fujifilm GFX Owners Group


Shared with Phil Anderson’s permission from The Fujifilm GFX Owners Group.

Pro’s –

– Resolution for days – even in the superfine JPEGS which come at at 20mb each

– Nice feel in the hand – very secure even without a strap

– Controls are all very familiar for fuji users and the buttons not being labelled is a great move

– Free tethering (finally), and being able to run off mains power in the studio – I didn’t expect that

– Nice to have a tilt screen again coming from the xpro2 where I missed that

– Dynamic range – oh my god

– Stunning bokeh – see below

– The glass is impeccable as always. Both lenses I have a super sharp

– Finally a button for back button focus which you don’t need to dislocate a thumb to use!! Thats awesome and now will be using that technique all the time

– The 4*3 aspect ratio in portrait orientation is super cool – why haven’t I used it before??

Cons –

– AF speed is back to where it was in the early generations of fuji cameras. On the 63mm it is the slowest and noisiest – the 32-63 is much better. Now this isn’t a problem for my studio work at all – on location it’s more difficult to get nailed. This is not a camera for sports! I am sure future firmware and lenses will improve it a little – but of course it’s never going to be as snappy as the XT2 or xpro2. I guess there is a whole load more glass to move around – and my expectation to be fair was just about met in this aspect.

– The strap – dammit fuji – I could have bought a small car for the price and you give me a cheap ass strap with connectors that don’t fit my peak design rig?

– Temporary problem that LR doesn’t deal with RAWS – trying a few workaround options in the meantime.

– Whilst I know this is light for MF – it will take getting used to shooting with such a monster coming from the fuji APSC range.

– The aspect ratio of 4*3 is going to take some getting used to in landscape. Of course with the resolution you can crop to more pleasing ratios (I like more width) but then you trade in resolution.

So all in all – it’s an incredible camera. Definitely some kinks to work out and a very different shooting experience than anything to date to get used too.

Will feedback after my two model shoots on Sunday as to how we got on with humans in the studio. Hope that’s useful for anyone considering a purchase!

If you like Phil’s work and want to see more check out his website and follow him on Facebook.

Fujifilm GFX 50S B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama