The Fujifilm GFX 50S Events in NYC and Nice France

New York City Fujifilm GFX Launch event footage from Professor Foto, which is very quotable. Most notably when he compares the GFX to Hasselblad’s current medium format offerings, which he calls “laughably priced.” Nothing really new from the event, but this is the first footage I have found.

image courtesy of digitalrev

The image above isn’t entirely new, but I haven’t covered the comparison before so for completionist sake this is how the Fujifilm GFX 50S compares to the Fujifilm X-Pro2 in size.

More Polish First Impressions

Fotoblogia a write up of their european launch experiance along with some photos from a photos walk. They said the “Autofocus works amazingly quickly and the shutter has a small delay” which adds a little more detail about how the camera functions. You can read their full translated write up here. Their ship date is mid March, which is probable when unaccounted countries can expect to see the camera roll out. Lets hope our ship date doesn’t slip that far back.

Slovenian GFX Nice

ephoto has a fresh take on the recent European press event in Nice, which includes a break down of the different workshops that Fujifilm setup for the press to demo the camera. You can see the video from the workshop above, which the translator cuts out of the webpage. It looks like Fujifilm setup some great workshops for the press to experiment with the GFX and portraiture. You can read the full review here.

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Fujifilm GFX B&H Photo/Amazon/Adorama