Join FujiAddict as We Welcome The Fujifilm GFX to Our Family

Join us at Midnight Eastern Standard Time as Fujifilm introduces a new format to the family of the GFX, along with the Fujifilm X100F and X-T20. We will be live blogging continuously for 24-72 hours after the announcements, depending on how much news there is to share, with lots of facts and analysis and zero click bait. Of course, there will be a slight delay as I rush to get my pre-order in with the rest of you, but I will get my pre-order page up quickly so you can help support the site (B&H Photo/Amazon/Adorama). Running a blog represents a huge time investment, but it also takes a lot of gear to be able to help users and to generate content.

Make sure you are following the 500px lens libraries because they are always growing. I will eventually have at least a few hundred example photos from every native X-mount and GF-mount lens. Also, subscribe to my YouTube channel because I am getting ready to produce more video content in the near future. You can reach me through the Fujiaddict Facebook pages, including our new GFX owners page and GFX owners group, that are designed to reduce the clutter and allow photographers interested in GFX ownership to work together, along with our contact form, and I am now available on Instagram.