Fujifilm X-T2: The New 4K King?



I haven’t perfected a 4k work flow for my Fujifilm X-T2 yet, but Cinema5D’s latest article has moved it up my list of priorities significantly and even includes some settings to get started. I expected the video from the X-T2 to be very good from all that I have read and heard, but not Sony a7SmII beating good.

“The 4K (UHD) image from the Fujfilm X-T2 is nicer and cleaner than that of the Sony a7S II, and outperforms our favourite low cost 4K camera in the rolling shutter test while achieving the same dynamic range rating of 12 usable stops.” – Cinima5D

Which makes me want to run out an buy a Atomos Ninja Flame to do SLog 3 externally, but hopefully I can wait for an internal implementation. Cinima5D has put together a very interesting read for current and aspiring videographers so check it out at Cinima5D.