Fujifilm X-Photographers Behind The Frame

I just binge watched Fujifilm’s X-photographers – behind the frame series and it is compelling, but I wish they were released in batches because they are very short (about 2 minutes). If you are already a Fujifilm fan the quotes in the videos will probably resonate with you, but if you are considering switching to Fujifilm these quote might help you understand why so many have picked Fujifilm cameras over competing mirrorless systems.

Episode 1

“The Fujifilm X100T is my enabler. My tool. So small, yet so incredibly capable. It allows me to see and capture the moments of everyday life like no other camera.” – Jonas Rask

Episode 2

“After I switcher from heavy DSLRs to Fujifilm X-Cameras, I didn’t have to see my physiotherapist anymore.” – Klaus Bo

Episode 3

“I love the Fujifilm X-cameras; they have changed my life as a photographer.” – Kunt Koivisto

Episode 4

“When I started to shoot digital, I was looking for a camera that had the same feeling of the old [Fuji 645]. Eventually, I found the X100. It’s a camera I love very much and I try to push it into everybody’s hands.” – Per-Anders Jörgensen

Episode 5

“I found it an intuitive tool which allowed me to shoot without thinking about what I was using. With the X-Pro1, I am a harmless, snap-happy tourist. That, to a street photographer, is a gift.” – Charlene Winfred

Episode 5

” The X-Pro 1 was a game-changer. I bought it the day it was released in 2012 and switched to using Fujifilm cameras for all of my Photography. I love that I get professional quality images in a compact and non-intrusive camera.” – Flemming Bo Jensen

Episode 6

“I love the intuitive interface and image quality of the Fujifilm X-series cameras. They are like a natural extension of my imagination. As with the old analog cameras: one look at the knobs, and you know your settings. No menus needed.” – Palle Schultz

Episode 7

“Sick and tired of caring my heavy DSLRs when traveling I have always been looking for a smaller system. After testing the X100S on two trips to Nepal, I recently jumped on the X-T1, which so far hasn’t been disappointing in any way” – Klaus Bo

Episode 8

“I love getting close to the artist while being able to feature the environment. With super color and contrast, a minimum aperture of F/1.4 and a non distorted wide angle view, the XF16mm is my favorite lens for shooting music.” – Flemming Bo Jensen

Episode 10

“I love the Fujifilm X-cameras; they have changed my life as a photographer. The X-Pro1 was a revolutionary camera combining traditional craftsmanship with cutting edge technology in a new innovative way.

For me it’s important that the X-Pro2 has stayed true to the original values of the X-series and at the same time pushed the technological innovations forward for years to come.” – Knut Koivisto

Episode 11

“Few things beat the feeling of an intuitive camera that just fits together with you, actually making you a better photographer.

The X-Pro 2 brings the same joy as the X-PRo1, but refined and fine-tuned in every way…

To me this is central, a camera just has to work. Instinctively. I think it’s called love…” – Per-Anders Jörgensen